5. Uses of the Internet. Research and homework. The internet is a fantastic place to research information for a project or piece of homework. It doesn't matter what topic you have been set, you can guarantee that you will find something on the subject. Communication. The internet opens up many different possible ways to communicate with others.

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Top 10 Uses of Internet in our daily life | Everyday Science

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Internet and Its Uses - Your Home Teacher

7 unusual uses of the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things is changing the world around us; smart cities are becoming the norm as are smart houses. Most people even use IoT products in their daily lives by tracking their health through their watches and smartphones. Internet and Its Uses - Your Home Teacher Oct 12, 2015 List ten uses of the internet? - Answers Here is the list of some common uses of internet1) Email: By using internet now we can communicate in a fraction of seconds with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. Today for